Next "originals" online pop-up coming late Winter/Early Spring

About me

Hi, I am Cathy, a designer, maker and owner of Cathy Penton Atelier, an online business where I create bespoke stitched soft furnishings as well as curated pieces from other designers for you and your home.

Born and raised on a dairy farm 20 minutes from the beach, I spent countless hours as a child sketching and painting in the long grass surrounded by cows. Luckily for me, my primary school teacher taught me how to love art in all its differing forms, from marbling paper to cover our books, to screen printing our school uniforms and painting the backdrops for the school play. Life then took a few twists and turns, and it was not until I had my two beautiful children that my creativity returned.

For over 24 years now I have had a creative business, including stitchery design, creating projects for magazines and owning a bricks-and-mortar space. My days are filled with beautiful linens, a 4b pencil, my favourite quotes, a needle and thread and my trusty little Elna sewing machine